Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Let's Get Organized

As the start of a new school year quickly draws near, you may be wondering what you need for Reading & Writing class. I expect that all students have either 1 three-ring binder for BOTH Reading and Writing class (divided into two sections), OR 2 separate binders.

The Reading binder should be divided into 3 sections: NOTES, CLASSWORK and VOCABULARY. Each section should have loose-leaf paper in it.

The Writing binder should be divided into 4 sections: NOTES, GRAMMAR,
WRITING and SPELLING, Each section should have loose-leaf paper in it. Students are also require to have a 100 page COMPOSITION book for Tuesday/Thursday journal prompts.

If your child has a pocket dictionary & thesaurus, they should bring it to BOTH Reading and Writing class.

A pleasure reading NOVEL is also required. This can be anything your child thoroughly enjoys reading. If they do not have one, they may choose from my personal library and sign it out. Please encourage them to take care of my books by using a bookmark (NEVER bend page corner) and storing it in a backpack pocket away from water bottles, highlighters etc. NO comic books, magazines, or picture books are acceptable.

I hope this information has been helpful! If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me at rschluetter@pca.k12.de.us.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Wednesday, September 1st from 5-7pm I am looking forward to meeting my new sixth graders! So please come by room 3303 to discover where your Language Arts classes are located. It's going to be a wonderful year. See you soon!